Dyno Tech Services is proud to be the fastest growing Ag PTO dynamometer company with its 3 patented 21st century technology.

After having my tutorial, ‘’DEPTH’’ being proudly displayed
on the Dyno Tech website for several weeks, it is my sincere
hope that all of you who have read it have gained some basic
knowledge of power and dynamometers. I wrote ‘’DEPTH’’
using the old-school method of keeping it simple. My intentions
were to provide those lacking in mechanical aptitude,
engineering skills or a lack of background in the field of
what power is and how power is measured.
When it comes to the field of power and dynamometers,
‘’DEPTH’’ only touches the simple basics from which my 55+
years of experience have gained, of which I’ve passed on
to you.
My deep involvement in design engineering, manufacturing,
and the multitude of field applications has provided me with a
practical working knowledge. I have applied for and received
[3] newly 21st-century patents for prony brake
dynamometers, while continuing to perform research for new
improvements making an already successful product even

Service lube requirements for prony brake (Ag) applications 


In the early days of prony brake development, and for many years after, a specific lube was required by the manufacturer for use as a service lube. This lube was a synthetic product labeled RML405 or CM5X.

As time went by and equipment got bigger and stronger, the need for a more durable lube became more apparent. After years of research and development a better lube with a proven track record has been incorporated into the production of each and every Dyno Tech Dynamometer with outstanding results. 

This lube has also been incorporated into the rebuilding and servicing of other models of prony brake Dynamometers with impressive results. Although the CM5X is still available for use in light duty applications, Dyno Techs’ belief is that it will soon be phased out with time. 

Dyno Techs R&D department has many years of unmatched experience and knowledge with one goal in mind, to make the best, most reliable product on the market. 

 Click here for current MSDS information.


Tractor PTO dynamometer
Tractor PTO Dynamometer
Tractor PTO Dynamometer installed in Iowa
Tractor pto dynamometer
Green DT843
Tractor pto dynamometer installed in Arkansas State
DT843 Dyno
DT843 tractor pto dynamometer testing a Challenger MT875E